I wondered as I opened my eyes in the predawn darkness why they want to dismantle the State? The Government? Democracy? Would those who have so much to share, have so much to lose by letting these systems and ideals stand? My mind wandered back to my days at Episcopal Divinity School. There, after fifty years of living, I encountered what I had not yet seen because I had eyes wide shut. I learned that I was not the only one. So the question is “Why?”
Why do White Men fear a system created by White Men? Why do they feel oppressed by the system that intends to give everyone the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”?Why, when they have their rights all locked up, is it imperative for them to shut out everyone else? Why are they afraid of me, the White Woman, born into the same system of rights they themselves labeled “unalienable rights?” Look no further to find the answer.
If I, a White Woman, sister, wife, and mother of their children am a threat, everyone else has to be an enemy. Ask yourself, would the White Man want to maintain a system that supports White Women along with all their other perceived enemies? Why not?
The answer requires opening our eyes to the fact that the White Man (with the exception of those who are enlightened) cannot let the systems of Democracy stand because to their eyes this is not the world they envisioned when a White Man declared the belief that these truths are self-evident. Self-evident! There's the rub. The White Man knows these truths and therefore fears them more than he fears the White Woman, all women, and the "others."
As the scales of Truth tip away from the White Man, the threat to Democracy increases. Yet, Women stand with those White Men who signed their names to the United States Declaration of Independence.