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Bare Trees in Fog

The Great and Powerful SC

Writer's picture: Marie LaureMarie Laure

Dorothy was a young woman going before the power structure that controlled OZ in the way that the Supreme Court (SC) controls the US.

When it comes to women, the Great and Powerful SC is as much of a folly as the "man behind the curtain" in the fairy tale the "Wizard of OZ". If you grew up in the United States in the Hollywood era, you know how the story follows this young woman on her journey through the forest while meeting characters that become her comrades-in-arms marching together up to the castle, an imposing building meant to intimidate anyone who makes it to the end of the yellow brick road. Dorothy, like many young women wanted to be heard. She thought she should have a chance to live her life the way she chose. She wanted to feel safe again in her own home. Other people thought differently.

Those people wanted to stop her in her tracks. She was under threat with each step she took in her ruby slippers. Dorothy's very life was put in jeapordy. Her new-found friends were not much help against flying monkeys and fireballs. While they meant well, they lacked courage and know-how and the stuffing it takes to go up against those who proclaim to be Great and Powerful. She had without ever trying to, made enemies of some with swift brooms who wanted to sweep her off the scene. She upset them with her own powers to which she held tight. It turned out that Dorothy was the smart one who could see through the sham behind the curtain. Lots of questions arise in stories that pit those "weak and meek" against those "Great and Powerful".

The first that comes to mind is WHO was behind the curtain, like who is wearing black robes, weilding such power? To the best of our knowledge, on the SC, one man found his place on the high bench in spite of sexual harassment charges levied by a young woman against him; One female justice was known to have signed her name to an ad that read: "time to put an end to the barbaric legacy of Roe v Wade"* That's WHO listened to the arguments and decided on the demise of that fifty-year law. Like Dorothy we knew then that "We are not in Kansas, anymore."

Another question is WHY these all-powerful, or shall we say, too powerful people have any right in the first place to make decisions of a personal nature such as the use of a prescribed medication? In the case that this (All) Mighty Powerful Court will hear today, March 26, 2024 is on that very issue. The SC never had to take this case on the so-called "abortion pill", a legal, prescription drug approved and successfully used by scores of women in privacy for decades. They clearly wanted to be the ones with the last word on women's personal protection against having a baby until and unless the time is right for her. That argument these days runs countercultural to having a baby if and when the "times" are right societally, culturally, religiously. SAYS WHO?

WHY in a country that flaunts freedom by waving its flag whether on top of the SC building in D.C. or, on the back of a pickup truck is this even a question to be decided by anyone other than a pregnant woman? The WHO and the WHY of this all important health decision belong to only the so-called "weak and meek" to decide what is best. Choosing for women undermines, underestimates, and underrates our power that each one knows how to wield be it in the voting booth or the boudoir. Women, take note!

Today's outcome will not be known until those too cowardly to face women go home for summer recess. Dorothy also wanted to go home where she was safe from harm that should never be applied by the Great and Powerful over the meek and weak. In the meantime (a very mean time), women across the US will have to click our heels and wait until November when we pull the curtain in the voting booth.

*The New Yorker February 7, 2022.



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© 2023 by Marie Laure

​Six Stages of Pilgrimage:

  • The Call:

  • The opening clarion of any spiritual journey. Often in the form of a feeling or some vague yearning, a fundamental human desire: finding meaning in an overscheduled world somehow requires leaving behind our daily obligations. Sameness is the enemy of spirituality.

  • The Separation:

  • Pilgrimage, by its very nature, undoes certainty. It rejects the safe and familiar. It asserts that one is freer when one frees oneself from daily obligations of family, work, and community, but also the obligations of science, reason, and technology.

  • The Journey:

  • The backbone of a sacred journey is the pain and sacrifice of the journey itself.  This personal sacrifice enhances the experience; it also elevates the sense of community one develops along the way.

  • The Contemplation:

  • Some pilgrimages go the direct route, right to the center of the holy of holies, directly to the heart of the matter. Others take a more indirect route, circling around the outside of the sacred place, transforming the physical journey into a spiritual path of contemplation like walking a labyrinth.

  • The Encounter:

  • After all the toil and trouble, after all the sunburn and swelling and blisters, after all the anticipation and expectation comes the approach, the sighting. The encounter is the climax of the journey, the moment when the traveler attempts to slide through a thin veil where humans live in concert with the Creator.

  • The Completion and Return:

  • At the culmination of the journey, the pilgrim returns home only to discover that meaning they sought lies in the familiar of one's own world. "Seeing the place for the first time . . ."

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